Frank Mezzatesta
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Better Healthcare Results

I have two thoughts on getting more from your healthcare provider. First change it up once in a while and second use the magic words "suppose I was a movie star".

Try a New Doctor
Probably four times in my life I have had a lingering medical problem and by asking another doctor, the solution was right there. Recently I had a nagging cough that had lasted over 6 weeks. My doctor was not able to help me after trying the usual things. After a few more weeks and frustrated, I contacted my doctor again and he was out of town so his office had me see his backup doctor. I walked into the exam room and I started explaining the situation. She immediately said, well I have the same situation and the moment you walked into the room, I could hear what was wrong. I will prescribe something that will clear this up over a few weeks. Two days later my cough was completely gone.>br>
In my 20's I saw a new doctor as I had a very bad sore throat. Growing up they were so bad that I could hardly swallow. My childhood doctor had no solution for me. This doctor, barely older than I was, said I have the same problem as you. You need to take these antihistamines everyday and you will no longer have this problem. Magic, that was my problem and it never came back.

So really trying a new doctor, even just for a single visit can unlock solutions that otherwise might never come about. Each person brings their own knowledge and experience. Did I switch doctors for the one on vacation? No, he is a good doctor but had a blind spot for this one situation.

The Magic Phrase
I had a condition that had lingered for years. My doctor had tried the usual medication but it didn't work for me. A year later I asked again and the answer was there is nothing more I can do. Then I used the magic phrase. Phrase it anyway you want, but the gist is "suppose I was a movie star"? Well without any hesitation, the doctor said there is a treatment, but it is not covered by insurance and it has a very high success rate. My thought at that moment was what the !#$%&@, why didn't we discuss this years ago?

Using the Phrase in Other Situations
I was working with a Wills and Trusts lawyer to set up a trust. My house would now be titled in my trust name and not mine. This is great as I wanted my home address off the Internet. I was told no, your house will be titled in the trust name but you as the trustee will be listed as well. Sorry, there is no way to get what you want. You know where this is going. I said "suppose I was a movie star"? Immediately she said, well movie stars hire a Special Trustee for the purpose of buying real estate. I was able to have a friend be my Special Trustee (for free) and my house was then in my trust name without my name anywhere.

In Summary
I have used it other times and this phrase unlocks many people to think outside the box or without preconceived ideas. The doctor didn't suggest a solution as they are programmed not to offer solutions that aren't covered by insurance, no matter how cheap they are. The lawyer appeared to be the same way as a Special Trustee usually costs lots of money. Summarizing, whether it is a doctor, a lawyer, or your plumber, inviting dialog or asking another doctor, lawyer or plumber can lead to better outcomes.

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